Agnieszka Kudela’s lifestyle blog

Hi, my name is Agnieszka – I am a Wedding Planner, 14 years ago I started my own company, and in the meantime I became a Wife and Mom.


You just visited my blog where I share proven ways to organize a home, family and small business to help Women run living on your own terms.


I share tips based on the small steps method, I introduce positive thinking and meditation, in order to achieve inner happiness.


So make yourself a cup of coffee and sit back. Invite!

Healthy food – a whole day menu for children and families | Winter

Healthy food and a menu for the whole day is not an easy matter if you do not have enough inspiration for cooking. I don’t like cooking myself, but what is not done out of love for my family? Because I like to take care of my boys and what they eat, I invite you to my kitchen where I will share recipes for healthy food for the whole winter day and I will show you how to prepare an exemplary all-day menu, from shopping to breakfast, lunch, lunch and afternoon tea, using a lot of healthy products.

Ikea bookcase in the bedroom

The Ikea bookcase in the bedroom appeared as the last functionality of this room. Our bedroom changes its many functionalities with the development of our family. Initially – apart from our place to sleep, of course – it also served as a function sleeping corner for the child z  the basket of Mosesfeeding corner or care cornerto finally become a corner with books and a reading chair.