Planner for a good day
A comprehensive tool for anyone who wants to be well organized and fulfilled – at home, at work, at university and in the family – a calendar and planner for 2021 in one!
A comprehensive tool for anyone who wants to be well organized and fulfilled – at home, at work, at university and in the family – a calendar and planner for 2021 in one!
Planner Na Dobry Dzień 2021 is a comprehensive tool that, apart from being convenient calendar with space for practicing gratitudethose, calculating the drunk water and typing the eaten meals, it also contains very practical tools, such as purchasing planning, monitoring good habits, planning system expenses i saving, booklet health and a lot more!
It will work perfectly for you, no matter if you are a mother, student, businesswoman or you run a house! I made it so that you could guide it take care of yourselffor your time, life energy, health, finances, relationships and home as well about those you love.
A holistic approach to planning and organization is important to me, and I managed to achieve this in one place – in Planner Na Dobry Dzień.
I created the first, last year’s Planner Na Dobry Dzień, actually for myself.
Having run my own company for several years, and previously studying two faculties, always combining studies with work, I needed a planner that would allow me to organize my life in a rush. So I checked a dozen calendars / planners calmly, but I did not find a recommendable one my life management system.
That is why I created Planner Na Dobry Dzień to help me – and I hope you too – plan the whole day, week, month, year, while not forgetting what is importantabout practicing gratitude, maintaining healthy habits, and feeling in control of the flow of your home finances.
W Wasze ręce oddaję dwa rodzaje kalendarza do wyboru: ten z wpisanymi datami i ten do samodzielnego uzupełnienia dat.
By mieć kontrolę nad upływem czasu i potrafić zaplanować sobie zarówno dni pracy, jak i dni wolne, wybieram ten z datami – jest to podstawa życiowej równowagi – tak osiągam mój work-life balance. Dni wolne to nie znaczy dni mniej ważne, mniej produktywne – dlatego nie zostały w żaden sposób pominięte czy przeznaczono na nie mniej miejsca. Nie da się wyznaczyć sobie celu i zrealizować bez osadzenia do w czasie, dlatego według mnie dobry planner to tylko taki z datami!
A druga sprawa to to, że… nie pomylisz się, wpisując daty ręcznie 😉 Jeśli jednak chcesz rozpocząć prowadzenie Plannera Na Dobry Dzień w dowolnym momencie, przygotowałam też wersję bez wpisanych dat – nie musisz czekać do stycznia, by wziąć kontrolę nad organizacją swojego życia!
7 days on each spread, with the hours entered from 7 to 21 it’s a solution that allows See all the tasks for the week at a glance and freely reschedule them between days.
I can easily plan the time of the task, mark the time I want or need to spend with them and leave gaps for unforeseen matters.
In addition, I do not have to flip 15 pages as with the daily calendar, only three and I already have an overview for the whole month. Isn’t it a lot easier?
If – like me – you like to celebrate important events in your family’s life, you will certainly be happy inno place to enter birthdays or anniversaries. You can also enter important cultural, professional or pre-school events here.
In addition, the calendar has already entered the most important national, church or international holidays, which will allow you to avoid overlapping important events and you will not have to give up anything.
Planner Na Dobry Dzień will allow you to plan your year from general to detail: first you will see the annual calendar view, then 12 monthly views (perfect place to enter tasks embedded in specific days, e.g. marking anniversaries, doctor visits, scheduled training sessions). All you have to do is flip through 5 pages and you will see important events and tasks throughout the year – which will allow you to estimate your plans and opportunities on carrying out an important project or planning a vacation.
It is something that changed my life and I know some of you too. I faced many difficulties in my life, the biggest ones were infertility and child wear – you can read about it on my blog. At that time, it was hard for me to believe that my sadness would end and that a smile would ever again appear on my face.
Practicing gratitude saved me. Every day you will find in Planner Na Dobry Dzień space to write down 5 things that you are grateful for that day. This exercise will take you only a few minutes and you will be surprised how much it will change in your perception of the world, relationships with loved ones, and attitude to life.
Don’t compare yourself with others, never look at what is missing – see how much you have and be grateful for it every day!
Instead of starting your day by watching Instagram and comparing your life to the lives of others, which they create on their social media, pick up Planner Na Dobry Dzień and write 5 things for which you are grateful – even if you are not going through a difficult time in your life, this habit will help you find inner peace and enjoy the little things!
I think many of us miss a meal, and most of us certainly don’t drink enough water – to be in control, you have space to write down the meals eaten that day and the amount of water consumed.
Did you hear your sister talking about the perfume she dreams of? Or maybe the husband hinted that he could use a drill? Write it down in a specially prepared place – on list of gift ideas.
A friend recommended you a great movie, and another – a book that changed her life and you can’t remember these titles for anything – no more! In Planner Na Dobry Dzień you will find lists of books to read and movies / series to watch.
In Planner you will also find additional pages to create your own lists: places to visit or countries you want to see.
Even if you save these items on your phone, just like I do, write them to Planner – it’s worth having everything together in one place – it’s a real treasure trove of ideas!
Do you monitor your health, results, tests, extending prescriptions?
How often has your doctor asked when you had your last Pap test and you couldn’t remember?
Or maybe you are allergic to some drug and you do not remember what – you wrote it down somewhere and you do not know where?
In Planner Na Dobry Dzień you will find special health pages – here you can drive health cards for the whole family (with Pesel, blood type, allergies, drug dosing), write down important preventive examinations and their results, and medications taken and contact list doctorswho look after you. There is also a special page with a menstrual calendar!
This way you can have health books for your whole family in one place!
The planner includes a practical at the end pocketinto which you can put test results or prescriptions.
If you took part in my #I’m waiting for you, you remember perfectly well that it was based on building good habits and monitoring progress. Motivation cards They are also in Planner Na Dobry Dzień, so you can always have it at hand – there are 12 of them so you can watch your progress every month.
You plan your expenses – it’s great, but remember that by learn to save, you must be able to plan these savings in your home budget – there is a place for it in my planner.
You will also find a place to save fixed monthly fees (rent, electricity, gas, nursery) and their payment dates.
At the end of the Na Dobry Dzień planner you will find a convenient place for notes. You can freely save here notes from meetings, conversations or otherthat you will be able to return to at any moment.
Od kilku dni jestem szczęśliwą posiadaczką „Plannera na dobry dzień”. Ten krótki okres w zupełności wystarczył mi, by przekonać się jak wyjątkowy produkt stworzyła Agnieszka. Praktyczny, bardzo dokładnie przemyślany, dopracowany z dbałością o najdrobniejsze szczegóły i co najważniejsze kompletny- od teraz wszystko, co niezbędne posiadam w jednym miejscu. A na dodatek jest absolutnie przepiękny! Jestem przekonana, że każda kobieta pokocha go od pierwszego wejrzenia i z ogromną przyjemnością będzie planować kolejne dni, tygodnie i miesiące. Ja już teraz wiem, że nie będę się bez niego nigdzie ruszać… Gorąco polecam każdemu! A Tobie Agnieszko dziękuję z całego serca za to co stworzyłaś <3 I trzymam mocno kciuki za kolejne projekty, bo wiem, że jeszcze nie raz nas zaskoczysz! 😊
– Czytelniczka
Planery są eleganckie i dopracowane pod każdym względem. 💞 Gratulacje!
– Elwira
First, you have a choice three different colors of the Planner cover – each in a vegan leather setting.
– light pink
– without
– blue
A Each of these colors can be purchased in a version with entered dates and without dates!
Click hereto choose a color for yourself.
Each of these planners includes 3 practical ribbonsso that you can easily find the current week or important memo, and eraser securing the Planner so that nothing falls out of it or that it does not open and fold in the bag.
The planner on the back has pocketwhere you can put small cards, receipts or stickers.
No problem! I have prepared for you contribution with calendar part for a separate purchase – thanks to this, you will be able to keep a calendar for 2021 and continue your entries in the organizer part from Planner 2020!
You can buy for each of the planners briefcase in the same veneer!
The briefcase has practical clipit is attached to wide lined notebook – perfect for taking notes during meetings, conferences or lectures!