
Each of us sometimes needs advice. Help, lead by the hand on topics related to housekeeping, home budget, work organization or childcare. I am. I’m not an expert, but I know something ;-) On my blog you will find lots of tips that will be useful just in everyday life.

A proven method of cleaning, thanks to which we have a free weekend

Cleaning can be a nuisance to every lady of the house, especially one who, apart from her husband, also has children and a dog  From my childhood I remember that every Saturday morning was filled with cleaning: vacuuming, laying, dusting and cleaning the floors, and I dreamed of about spending this time with your parents in a completely different way.

That’s why, as a wife and mother, I organize cleaning in such a way that I have a weekend off. How it’s possible?

How to prepare for a pregnancy photo session?

A pregnancy session has always been my great dream. My husband and I rarely have the opportunity to stand in front of the camera together, and the period of waiting for the Child, for the Miracle of Birth, is so special that I just had to have a wonderful souvenir from that period. Today, with three pregnancy photo sessions behind us, I have prepared a small guide for you on how to prepare for such a session.

Preschooler’s room, or how to separate functional zones in a children’s room

As the child grows, his needs change, so gradually some of the furniture and gadgets disappeared from St. Nicholas’ Children’s Room, replaced with elements more suitable for an adolescent boy. And so from our baby’s room only the wardrobe and bed remained, and the room evolved into a kindergarten’s children’s room with separate sleeping, learning and fun areas. I invite you inside.

Help! I’am a mother!

You recently became a mom. You look at this picture and you know that you haven’t seen such an organized nightstand in months. Not to mention live flowers, because you would not waste time for such stupid things if you can catch up on sleep or on Instagram. You don’t remember the last time you went shopping. And I’m not talking about grocery shopping and sprinting around Biedronka. Nor about those when you went out for something for yourself and came back with a net of (often unnecessary) things for the child.

Layette to the hospital

The layette for the mother’s hospital was the most difficult stage for me in preparing for the birth of my Child. I was terribly afraid that I would forget the most important things, I did not know what to prepare for, what I would find in the hospital, and I did not want to be dependent on anyone and make requests that I was missing something again. I also did not know which products are worth choosing – it was the first time I gave birth! There are already 3 such stays in the hospital behind me, through which I managed to refine this “Layette to the hospital for Mom” ​​list almost to perfection.