How do you spend very little to spend?

Did you know that having a low budget you don’t have to give up good quality things? I will tell you how to do it.
It cannot be concealed – the entire layette is a huge cost if we add the prices of clothes, bath accessories, room equipment or a pram. Later it is lighter, but the child grows all the time and so does his needs. Today I will tell you how to skillfully reduce costs.
1. For starters, the less the better
Especially at the beginning, when you do not know what things will work for you, do not make purchases in advance and do not buy the entire sizes. Also not 30-meter diapers, 10 is enough to start with, and perhaps you will never buy more. Buy clothes only in sizes 56/62 and 62/60, and those that will work for you later, you will also get a lot as a gift from the first guests. Do not worry that you will not have time to go to the store – I guarantee that you will be happy to find it, and you will not be able to leave the hangers with clothes for the little ones during all the usual shopping. You can always order clothes that have worked for you online.
2. Later, use the economies of scale
Shop less often, but in larger quantities. Online stores will reward you with free shipping, and often a discount. Subscribe to newsletters, thanks to which you will first learn about promotions and buy even cheaper. Buy in multipacks, but always check if it is a real promotion by calculating the unit price. And when you see diapers at a great price, make a supply. Remember, this rule applies only to products with a long shelf life, otherwise you may lose instead of gain.
3. Don’t get caught up in advertising and creating needs
Bath gel, hair shampoo, cream, powder, olive, wet wipes – many manufacturers will assure you that your child needs it all, preferably at once, and the more expensive the better – after all, you cannot save on your child’s health. You can opt out of most of the products on this list, as I wrote about here.
4. Remember, cheaper doesn’t have to mean worse quality
More than once, I and my friends tried to save by buying a worse product for a child, one from a lower or very low shelf, and the effect was usually such that, dissatisfied with the purchase, we had to buy this product again, which made us pay double. It turned out that the cheaper bodysuit has plastic press studs that are easy to damage in ironing, and even if the press studs were fine, their necklines stretched quickly and reached the waist, rompers quickly became wider than longer, sweaters and the rest too, and everything often it was simply sewn crookedly. The jacket was soaking wet and the children’s shoes stained them, destroying other garments. The same was true of very cheap prams, which quickly squeaked, broke or worn, or were simply inconvenient for the parent and the child. Of course, this does not apply to all cheap products, but in my experience I can say most.
Therefore, when reducing expenses instead of giving up high-quality products, reach for second-hand ones.
Look for a stroller in local classifieds, chances are you’ll find a high-quality stroller that’s still under warranty and half price. Why locally? You will be able to visit the family from whom you buy a stroller, see how they live, how they care for the house and for the child, and this is certainly very important. And of course see the cart! This is how I sell my Son’s things – a stroller or a car seat, as well as small items such as a breast pump or a bottle sterilizer, with receipts, proofs of purchase and guarantees.
The stroller is a one-time purchase, so you can ride it, but when it comes to clothes, the thing is more difficult, because it would be almost impossible to drive around the area in search of suitable clothes, and buying one piece at auction sites is not always profitable and risky when it comes to quality. Probably everyone who has already tried it knows that what in the picture is not always so live (which does not mean that I have never, but often happened to throw away a newly purchased, used item straight into the bin). Here they will help us reputable online stores with second-hand clothesi. They have such an advantage that behind the clothes sold there stands an established brand and regular satisfied customers, as well as social profiles and customer reviews posted on them.
One of such stores that I had the opportunity to test are – I could choose what I wanted from the store, and my assumption was not to spend more than PLN 50 for shopping and create two three-piece stylizations for the spring. Here they are:
The price of all these clothes is PLN 53 + PLN 9 shipping.
All new customers are entitled to the -10% discount on the first order. In addition, every order above PLN 90 is sent completely free.
All the clothes I received were washed, ironed, packed in separate, rigid foils. I must say that to my surprise, the quality did not differ from the clothes I buy from store hangers, and among them there were such recognized brands as NEXT, George or Mothercare. And all this for around 1 / 3 store price.