2019 Christmas decorations for Christmas
As I get older, I am more and more convinced that less is more. That is why this year, when preparing Christmas decorations, I focused on nature and timeless decorations, candlelight and tree branches. What came out of it for me?
Christmas decoration
Christmas shopping is something that I look forward to, not just for buying, but for the magical feeling of excitement that I experienced as a child with my mother while completing Christmas decorations. Every year in my family home the elements of the Christmas arrangement were complemented and I also continue this tradition.
For years, I have been buying Christmas decorations mainly during big purchases in Auchan – for me it is the perfect compromise between variety, quality and price. Therefore, this year we also went there for a little Christmas shopping.
What way do I have for Christmas shopping?
When walking around the store, I pack all the decorations I like into my basket with the greatest joy – and there is a lot of it!
Wooden and metal decorations are ideal for hanging on a Christmas tree or for decorating holiday chairs or gifts for loved ones as a beautiful and unique card that can be signed from the back – and the recipient can hang it on their Christmas tree as a souvenir and remember our wishes written on it every year.
And they are an absolute hit in our home paper baubles – I have been compiling their collection for 5 years – they have two unquestionable advantages – first, they are very cheap, and second – they are child-resistant, even when our Child (read – mine) makes a game ball out of them – every parent will love them. In previous years, I have collected a collection in the colors of nature, and this year I have supplemented it with subdued but childlike patterns – owls, fawns or foxes stole my heart!
I also fell in love with glass baubles in the shape of French macaroons – through the eyes of my imagination I saw this beautiful Christmas tree in our wedding office!
I do not associate the Christmas season with sweaters like any other – sweaters under a blanket, sweater covers for cups, even sweater patterns on nails – and what about sweater ball?
Do you like dream catchers? In the festive setting, you can invite them to decorate the Christmas tree, chairs or table in the form of candlesticks decorated with this pattern.
Wooden figures they will fit perfectly on any console or window sill, and in the company of candles or warm lights will intensify the holiday atmosphere.
A wreath on the table is always a good idea! I also carry such wreaths in December to family graves, and in the middle I put a Christmas candle, sometimes adding flowers, twigs or fruit.
Christmas tread throughout December it will remind you of this special time, and under tablecloth You can hide a traditional hay on Christmas Eve.
And since we are talking about the holiday table…
How is Christmas to the light – LED lights or real flames, or maybe a mix? Every year, in addition to chains or light decorations, many candles are lit in Advent and on Christmas. I like to choose matte ones, in natural color.
As far as I remember – Christmas stuffed animals they have something magical about them, and since I am a mother, I cannot pass by indifferently. Sitting on shelves with dangling legs or bouncing on springs – I just love it!
And I have the greatest sentiment for … candles – figurineswhich I brought the first time as gifts for the whole family from my studies in Paris. Today I still have a problem deciding which are the prettiest – and I absolutely never light them – are so sweet that I keep them as a souvenir.
Have you heard that the very process of buying triggers a wave of happiness hormones in many of us? So I’m using this wave … a then I shop for the second time – in my own basket.
Czyli I put a coherent composition in the store and eventually only what matches my color palette and textures goes to my basket, which I put quickly in my head remembering the decorations that I have at home.
Christmas decorations in 2019 year
Our tableware is 12 years old and we love it, but this year we decided to reverse the idea of decorations a bit. Instead of a colored tablecloth and white tableware, we decided to buy a colored tableware and set it on a white table on which the table cloth was replaced tread.
Colorful porcelain on a white table
Our children are 2 and 5 years old, and the words “me”, especially when a two-year-old is utter, are uttered with maximum frequency. So that the holidays are completely stress-free and no one was worried about borscht on the tablecloth and its replacement after each meal, we decided to play colorful porcelain on a white table. That is why I decided to buy this beige porcelain. How did it work out for us?
Our linen linens were used to decorate the plates napkins, which have been with us for a long time, and here with a slightly blue shade broke the warm climate and gave a slightly frosty character.
I folded the napkins in a funny Christmas tree shape and decorated it with a tiny Christmas ball and a piece of cinnamon to make it look more like a Christmas tree. You can also find mini balls in Auchan this year.
To decorate wooden chairs I used a beige ribbon bought last year, Christmas tree branches and this year’s metal decorations in the shape of Christmas trees and starswhich I left in my basket with this thought in mind.
I let go through the center of the table beige lace-like tread, I put bought in Auchan wooden and glass candlesticks and candles, and between them I arranged Christmas tree branches, in several places broken with red fruits on a branch called ilex. Two added charm to the whole composition birds sitting on branches – also found in Auchan for a few zlotys, which I associate with a new life like nothing else.
I added some more bought this year gold plated plates in the shape of stars, on which you can sleep nuts, dried fruit, arrange a wafer.
It was enough to light the candles … and the magic works by itself!
Christmas decoration
Window decorations for Christmas
I also arranged twigs on the windowsill, supplemented block candles of the same collection, and wooden Christmas tree and wooden snowflakes – also from this supermarket.
And what climate will your Christmas be in this year?
What will you surely have in your holiday decorations?