I’m glad you are 
- Morning and Evening Routine Tracker – Completed
This is my personal morning and evening routine tracker that I will work with on the challenge.
Today I will tell you about why I chose such and not other tasks on the live list at 21:00 – live will take place simultaneously on Instagram and Facebook.
- Your Tracker for Morning and Evening Routines
Of course, my tracker is only an inspiration – I encourage you to create your personal routine and remember – not all at once – we will implement habits using the method of small, least noticeable steps.
- Gratitude Diary
Due to the fact that you do not need to have my Good Day Planner, an integral part of which is a daily gratitude diary, I have prepared a Diary for you that you can print out and start practicing. I encourage you to do so – to direct your attention to what we can be grateful for, instead of the problems that affect us today more than ever. This simple three-minute tool will allow you to be more optimistic about each day ahead! It will allow you to appreciate the life you have just much more – today, here and now, not in a month, in a year, when you renovate or buy a car. Practicing gratitude will let you see that your life is a miracle today and every single day.
- Healthy habits tracker
If you want to fight for yourself, for your health, for your diet, for your weight, for your appearance – this tracker is for you. If you want to stay on the right track and raise the bar a bit – too. On the # NieCekekamDziałam group you will find a video about how I use it.
Share the challenge with others!
All you have to do is click on the selected graphic, save it on your phone and upload it to your Instastors and tag me