
Blog and interiors – I love interiors and I love blogging! If I wasn’t a Wedding Consultant, she would probably be an interior designer :-) I put my love of interior decoration into practice in my home and office. I am invariably impressed with how in one afternoon, with a small financial investment and effort, a room can change. This is why I like metamorphosis, because by making small changes you can get a big effect. I like my interiors and I like to change them, so I am eager to implement practical solutions and clever tricks. I like bright rooms the most, and that’s what you can see on my blog. Who knows, maybe I am your stylistic soul mate? Check out my blog and interior!

What office lamps should you choose?

Which lamps for the office to choose is the question that has occupied my head in recent months. Arranging my new office wedding planner it gives me great pleasure – it is a process, and I try to make each decision well thought out and serve me for many years – after all, this is my first office “on my own”, not on a rented one, and I hope I will stay here for a lot, many years – especially because I can see the sea from the windows and I live so close that I can walk to work …

Ikea bookcase in the bedroom

The Ikea bookcase in the bedroom appeared as the last functionality of this room. Our bedroom changes its many functionalities with the development of our family. Initially – apart from our place to sleep, of course – it also served as a function sleeping corner for the child z  the basket of Mosesfeeding corner or care cornerto finally become a corner with books and a reading chair.

Preschooler’s room, or how to separate functional zones in a children’s room

As the child grows, his needs change, so gradually some of the furniture and gadgets disappeared from St. Nicholas’ Children’s Room, replaced with elements more suitable for an adolescent boy. And so from our baby’s room only the wardrobe and bed remained, and the room evolved into a kindergarten’s children’s room with separate sleeping, learning and fun areas. I invite you inside.