Morning breathing session

I have prepared for you a list of several recordings that are ideal for a morning breathing session. It’s just 3 minutes for you to look inside yourself, feel gratitude and joy that you are, and ultimately crumb by crumb, step by step, she changed her attitude towards what happens to us.


Before I start my morning breathing session, at least I open my window wide – a minimalist version when I’m very tired, sleepy, cold, or it’s still dark outside. It is also an ideal version to introduce the habit of your morning breathing session in small steps.


In the maxi version, I dress warmly and go out to the balcony. The blindfold also helps me a lot – then I limit stimuli and focus better on the sensations from the body.


If you only have 5 minutes:

  • open the window wide
  • sit comfortably on the bed or jump back under the warm quilt
  • turn the song Holy to YouTube or Spotify
  • close your eyes and feel into everything you feel, fill yourself with gratitude for feeling that you can hear, that you are breathing fresh air …


If you have 10 or 15 minutes:


Remember to write down five things for which you are grateful. But there is no rush here, as you prefer, you can do it even before bedtime.


I hug you and keep my fingers crossed for you: *

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